The hidden OpenSocial press conference (future of information sharing) by ZDNet's Michael KrigsmanDas ganze konnte ich live via Twitter verfolgen, ebenso sein Quick'n'Dirty Interview bei mit Eric Schmidt und Chris DeWolfe (CEO's von Google und MySpace).
Here’s what happened: During the press conference, blogger Robert Scoble sent Twitters of his impressions as the story unfolded. His comments offered context and significance:MySpace just announced HUGE news with Google.Robert then did something startling: he offered to relay questions from his 7,000-member Twitter network to Google executives:
Scobleizer (Scobleizer) via Snitter at 15:29
I’m sitting in the Google press conference with Eric Schmidt and tons of other execs from MySpace, and Flixter. HUGE HUGE HUGE.
Scobleizer (Scobleizer) via Snitter at 15:30
Here’s why this is so huge: developers write apps one time and it runs everywhere that Google’s platform runs. MySpace. Ning. NewsGator.Goog
Scobleizer (Scobleizer) via Snitter at 15:38
Joe Krauss says that I was right in my video yesterday. My blog can host these apps. F***in A. This is KILLER.
Scobleizer (Scobleizer) via Snitter at 15:53What do you want to know? I’ll ask.He repeated the offer a few more times:
Scobleizer (Scobleizer) via Snitter at 15:50Anymore questions? This really is incredible to have Google execs, the press, and developers (both internal and external) here to ask.Upon Robert’s invitation, the press conference instantly became interactive. Suddenly, questions and answers flowed between the on-site executives and the Twitter audience, with Robert serving as intermediary.
Scobleizer (Scobleizer) via Snitter at 16:34
Freitag, 2. November 2007
PR 2.0
Robert Scoble hat gestern der Pressekonferenz rund um das Announcement von Google OpenSocial eine neue Dimension gegeben. Noch während der Pressekonferenz fordert er seine über 7'000 Twitter-Followers auf Fragen zu stellen, welche er danach interaktiv via Twitter beantwortet.
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