Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007

International Weblogger's Day -- Solidarität

Morgen, am 14. Juni 2007, ist 'International Weblogger's Day' und dieses Jahr lautet das Motto 'Solidarität'. Den International Weblogger's Day gibt es seit 2004, wir feiern also dieses Jahr den dritten Geburtstag.

Wikipedia meint dazu:
International Weblogger's Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on June 14, bringing webloggers from around the world together to celebrate a year's worth of changing the way the Internet sees personal journalism. It assembled more than 500 bloggers from 40 countries in 2005, and fostered meetups in both Malaysia and Mexico. On this day, bloggers write posts referring to the holiday, or meet up with fellow webloggers from the area to discuss and socialize.

Details zum Programm und diesjährigen Motto gibt's auf der offiziellen Website.

International Weblogger's Day 2007

4 Kommentare:

Lynn hat gesagt…

Happy International Webloggers' Day!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Same to you...!

J hat gesagt…

Actually, it's the 4th birthday of InWeDay. Happy day to you.

Unknown hat gesagt…

@J: why the 4th? Born in 2004, 1st bday 2005, 2nd 2006 and 3rd in 2007...

We do celebrate the 4th time, that's correct...

Am I wrong??? ;-)